Corporate law

Published on Aug 30, 2011 by LPG

How to change Swiss corporate headquarters within Switzerland

Swiss companies can decide to move their Swiss corporate headquarters to any part of Switzerland at any time. The change in legal address must be reported to the Swiss trade register (not to be confused with the Swiss chamber or commerce) in order to be enforceable against third parties.

The procedure depends on whether the company moves its headquarters within the same municipality or if it is moved to another municipality.

Moving Swiss corporate headquarters within the same municipality

In this case the new headquarters must be brought to the attention of the Swiss trade register (Swiss chamber or commerce) through a simple requisition signed by the manager or director.

Moving Swiss corporate headquarters to a different municipality

If Swiss corporate headquarters are moved to another municipality (and a fortiori to another Swiss canton), the procedures must be carried out by a notary public.

LPG Geneva can help companies to perform the formalities of moving their corporate headquarters.


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